Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not too worried about it...

I feel fortunate.  I feel like my last days of school are immensely easier, or at least more interesting, than the majority of ...everyone else.

1.  I have to do this writing portfolio where I was told to make it look sweet and colorful.  (and I was asked to put bonus material of whatever I wanted at the end).

2.  I get to draw three 18x24" pictures about myself for art and decorate a portfolio to put them and all my other work in. 

3.  I need to study for my Natural Hazards and Disasters Final.  AKA  sinkholes, volcanoes, hurricanes, wildfires, etc.  Who wouldn't be excited for this?? The textbook for this class was the most expensive one I had to buy this semester, but I think I might keep it due to the CRAZY pictures, diagrams, and information that blow my mind every time I read it. 

I'm glad I'm not stressed out about school.  My biggest worry is whether or not I can fit everything into my two suit cases to bring home.

In regards to improvement of my writing skills over the semester, I don't feel like my writing has changed that much.  I do, however, feel like I've become more confident.  I think doing peer editing and workshopping was encouraging for me.  It is always nice to have other people look at your work and like it- or not like it and tell you what would make it better.  I bet after this class I'll be more likely to write for fun. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I feel like I'm one of those kids on Reading Rainbow talking about their favorite book...

I went to the Missoula Public Library a few weeks ago and never got past the children's section to the "over 10 years old" section.  I checked out a book titled Predators  because who wouldn't want to read that?  Did you know that a peregrine falcon's dive speed can reach 200 miles per hour?  Or that owls have special feathers that make no sound, ensuring a silent approach to prey?  Neither did I.  But my Predators book and my Children's Night Sky Atlas didn't change my life or inspire me in any way. 

I completed two books since the last blog post on books.  Ecclesiastes, from the Bible, and Crazylove, by Francis Chan.  Neither of them were fiction or "just for fun" reads, they were definitely shaping as I learned from them.  I didn't mean to read two books on the same topic, but I realize they are now that I think about the main focus of both of them. Both of these books, in some way or another, address people's quest for a life full of purpose and fulfillment.  It almost seems impossible that there could be an answer to the huge dilemma/search of life's meaning,but its totally written all over the pages of these guys.  I would highly recommend both.  Ecclesiastes gave me a sense of purpose and Crazylove gave me a sense of urgency in the way I live my life.