Lately I've been thinking about where I'd like to live and how I'd like to live in the future. Every summer, for my entire life, I've commercial fished on a beach in Clam Gulch, Alaska. It sounds ugly, but it is very beautiful. (Maybe its an acquired taste) I live in an thing I like to call a "shabinailer." I meshed the words shed, cabin, and trailer together to best describe it. My shabinailer is basically a little plywood box on wheels with two beds (for my sister and me) and a little counter for our toothbrushes and such. During the winter I live in a normal house. It is small compared to the rest of America, but its not a shed-trailer-house or anything. I've realized that during the summer while I am most content and I attribute that to a lot of things: one being my bare minimum living situation.
Even though being "green" and saving on things like heating and plumbing have never been my focus while I'm fishing, I realized that I have been doing that. I think I'd like to write about the costs and benefits to "Green Building" as they call it, and some of the downfalls to building extravagantly. I think I have personal experience with this subject, and I am very interested to learn more about it because it is a lifestyle I think I may like to embrace more.
I really like your topic! You should try to interview people who live extravagantly and get their point of view on the subject. It would be good way to get some information and you could use your own personal experience to compare.